- Status:Pre-Owned
- Sale Status:Available
- Year:2016
- Manufacturer:Coachmen
- Model:31FW
- Stock Number:12687
- Length:30
- Condition:Used
- Engine Type V10 Displacement (l) 6.8 Horsepower 362 Fuel Type Gas Fuel Capacity (gal / L) 80 / 302.8 Engine Brand Triton® Chassis Brand Ford only 32,000 miles, 30' long, 32,000 miles
- Fresh Water Capacity (gal / L) 70 / 265 Gray Water Capacity (gal / L) 45 / 170.3 Black Water Capacity (gal / L) 45 / 170.3
- We can also offer financing. For all used units we will do a full systems check, check seals, put in fresh batteries, and fresh propane, we will also do a detailing inside and out. This way you have the assurance that everything on the unit works well and is ready to use. You will also receive a complementary class on how to use everything on the trailer. We value your safety and the longevity of your trailer. We appreciate your business. For more info go to Rodeo City RV or give us a call.