- Status:Pre-Owned
- Sale Status:Available
- Year:2017
- Manufacturer:Jayco
- Model:24.5TS
- Stock Number:12686
- Length:29
- Weight:7420
- Condition:Used
- Length 29.5 ft. (353 in.) Width 8 ft. (96 in.) Height 12 ft. (144 in.) Interior Height 7.92 ft. (95 in.) Truck Bed Length 5
- Fresh water 42g, Gray water 65g, Black water 32.5g
- Dry Weight 7,420 lbs. Pay load Capacity 2,530 lbs. Towing Capacity 3,000 lbs. GVWR 9,950 lbs. Hitch Weight1,285 lbs.
- For all used units we will do a full systems check, put in fresh batteries, wheel pack and fresh propane, we will also do a detailing inside and out. This way you have the assurance that everything on the unit works well and is ready to use. We value your safety and the longevity of your trailer. We appreciate your business.